(+34) 650 038 729 Barcelona

Sculpture Restoration

Restoration and reconstruction of a plaster sculpture of a girl

Restoration of Sculptures and Carvings: Specialists in typical materials of formats, plaster sculpture, plaster, stone, resin. Wood or metal sculpture such as: bronze,  calamine, iron. Polychrome sculptures or with golden bread, imagine religiosis.

The main goal of the Conservation and Restoration of Sculptures is the perfect intention. So as a result the waste or breakage he suffered is not noticed.

Probably the most common damage to sculptures is cracks, breaks or loss of fragments. So that any broken piece can be restored trying that the piece has with a resulting result the same aspect that the original state.

At Eulàlia Restauradora, specialties in the restoration and conservation of crops and material sizes are considered.

Examples of restoration and repair of sculptures

Fragmented female bust

Fragmented female bust
Fragmented female bust
Fragmented female bust
Fragmented female bust
Fragmented female bust

The female bust presented a break in the neck and small losses of material. The fragments have been unified and internal reinforcement placed.

The piece has been left in perfect condition

Restoration of a sculpture of a girl

Restoration of a sculpture of a girl
Restoration of a sculpture of a girl
Restoration of a sculpture of a girl

Initial State – Repair of a sculpture of a girl with a flower in her hands. The sculpture is made of plaster. However, his head is broken due to a blow.

Restoration and reconstruction of a plaster sculpture of a girl
Restoration and reconstruction of a plaster sculpture of a girl
Restoration and reconstruction of a plaster sculpture of a girl

Final State – The restoration work has consisted of unifying the broken pieces, however an internal reinforcement has been carried out as reinforcement. Volumetrically reconstructed the missing areas to give the same texture.

Restoration of a modernist-style sculpture

Restoration of a modernist style sculpture
Restoration of a modernist style sculpture
Restoration of a modernist style sculpture

Restoration of a modernist style sculpture. It is a piece of plaster with an imitation iron patina. The sculpture had some cracks in the ankles because it is the weakest area and certain grimaces in the piece.

Restoration and reconstruction of a modernist style sculpture
Restoration and reconstruction of a modernist style sculpture
Restoration and reconstruction of a modernist style sculpture

Final State – The restoration work has consisted of unifying the broken pieces, however internal reinforcement has been carried out. Volumetric reconstruction of small losses. Plastering and reintegration of polychrome errors. Final varnishing.

Restoration of a female metal sculpture

Restoration of a metal female sculpture
Restoration of a metal female sculpture
Restoration of a metal female sculpture
Restauración de una escultura de una niñaRestoration of a metal female sculpture

Repair and conservation of a female metal sculpture. The figure had a layer of green paint imitating the color bronze. Therefore, the restoration work has consisted of extracting the green paint, resulting in the original color of the female figure.

All work is carried out meticulously and in accordance with the experience of more than 12 years in the catering sector.

The pieces that enter the workshop undergo a process of repair and restoration with the aim of returning the piece to its original beauty.

If you need to restore or repair a sculpture, please contact me for a personalized estimate. 

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