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Walking Doll Schoun and Hoffmeister
Walking Doll Schoun and Hoffmeister. Walking doll (moving legs moves head sideways). Paperboard body and head. This doll arrived in my hands with the loss of some fingers which have been reconstructed leaving it in perfect condition. Fixs and glass eyes; mothern wig hair. Measures about 59cm.
The nape bears the letters “S PB H” attributed to the Schoun and Hoffmeister brand.
The Schoun and Hoffmeister brand
Porcelain factory that operated between the years 1901-25 located in the Burggrub area near Kronach in Bavaria Germany. 1901-25. Also known as Porzellanfabrik Burggrub. A porcelain factory that specialized in doll heads and dolls. Their markings are often found on dolls dressed in regional costumes. The “S H” with a star are his trademark.
The Stone Cardboard Dolls
In many cases included in the classification of Composition dolls
Cardboard-stone or papier- maiché is defined in a dictionary of the late nineteenth century as: “a durable material made of paper pulp containing a mixture of pulp, oil, resin or other substances, from glued sheets of paper and pressed “.
Glue is added to the paper pulp as a binder. In some cases mud or flour was also added to achieve rigidity and solidity.
The word ” papier- maiché ” is used in English, French and German. Walking Doll Schoun and Hoffmeister
One of the first references to papier-mâché dolls is in Fournier’s “History of Children’s Games.” “The first dolls used a mixture of clay, paper and chalk called ‘carton-pierre’ (literally ‘stone cardboard’).”
In the area of Germany this material was known as “cardboard-pâté” (cardboard paste or papier-mâché) where it was poured into the molds of the dolls.
In the. XVIII it was discovered that papier- maiché dolls could be produced en masse, by a process of pressing the dough made into molds on the parts of the dolls.
It was assumed that this process was introduced to Sonnerberg from Paris, laid the foundations of large industry. Walking Doll Schoun and Hoffmeister
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Todos los envíos se realizaran en Correos de España dando el número de seguimiento. El envío puede tardar entre 2 a 8 semanas, podría ser que el envío se retrásese un poco más debido a los trámites aduaneros de cada país. Cualquier posible cargo de impuestos, tipo aranceles, va a cargo del destinatario. Para información sobre precios de envío consulta esta pàgina. Los embalajes se realizaran con elementos que amortiguan los golpes como espuma protectora, plástico de burbujas y una caja de cartón de embalaje. No se aceptan cambios, devoluciones ni cancelaciones.